MAX GARCIA's videos on GayNetwork
MAX GARCIA have played in 1 gay videos on GayNetwork
Christian's brother is an asshole !
Christian's brother is an asshole !

These three students live in a very peculiar roommate... The two strongest, two macho slackers who spend their time playing the console, have turned the third, serious and introverted, into a real stooge. Understanding that he was gay and submissive, they dominated him for months to the point of turning him into their total slave. The official nutcase of the roommate, the little guy does all the housework and when he's not cleaning the floor, he's cleaning the panties of his former buddies who have become his masters. He also accepts all their perverse and degrading games. Mollards, home-made yellow beverage to soda under their contemptuous look, deep cock pumping, dildoing: totally enslaved, he lives only to undergo their daily perversion... and deep down, he knows he likes it!