Mario de Lazarius

Mario de Lazarius

Mario de Lazarius

Mario de Lazarius's videos on GayNetwork
Mario de Lazarius have played in 1 gay videos on GayNetwork and 3 videos on our other websites
A fuck made to measure
A fuck made to measure

It's not always easy to find the perfect guy for a hot sweaty session so today a sexy mixed-race dude has decided to treat himself to something special. He's just received his Christmas bonus and he's going to spend it on gay sex! The perfect male for him is muscular, tattooed, macho and hung. He's got to be masculine, kinky and able to take a good pounding! His dream man is only a phone call and a few banknotes away!

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Used by the sex militia
Prisoners balls need urgent service
Used by the sex militia
Prisoners balls need urgent service
Used by the sex militia