Rebeu Teteur

Rebeu Teteur

Rebeu Teteur

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PIT STOP (1/2)

Once upon a time, in Lyon, there was an exceptional meeting of the sphere. Andolini, Tommy, TonyX, Kevin and Ange & Démon met in a garage to admire a magnificent vintage motorcycle, a Honda model of the Paris-Dakar.Ange & Démon opened the meeting by demonstrating his bucolic talents to the audience. He had put on his favorite costume of hungry redneck, before leaving his place to Kevin. Kevin was indeed the next on the list. Since then, the set-up of this event Kevin dreamed and imagined this precise moment where he will be at the mercy of Andolini, Tommy and TonyX to satisfy all their desires without a word. When his turn came, the Honda was giving him the eye, Kevin shyly asked the others if he could try a scene on this model. Andolini, Tommy and TonyX nodded enthusiastically and quickly got him into the saddle. Kevin jumped on the bike with a smile on his face. He didn't have time to put on a helmet before he was jumped on and put on by the company. Andolini, Tommy and TonyX were in full on dump mode no matter what.

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